Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nicro & His Head At 7:41pm

its not that i dont wanna write
its that i stay up all nite
and my mornings...well alot of yawnings
i know its a sad feeling
of not waking up and writing on your blog
your private sanctuary violated by absence
maybe if i practiced abstinence
i would have time to make sence ?
but noawadays im buried in my own esoterism
am i too weird for myself ?
can my actions be condoned by social involvement
or is it the fact that im working everyday
all work no play like a slave in the early days
but revolution came and now look where were standing
but sadly if you wanna make money you need to work in an industrie
pick 1 pick 2 or pick 4
but at the end of the day you'll be pressing the snooze button while on the floor
i miss my girl
damn im bored

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thank you Chris , its really appreciated.