Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nicro & His Head At 1:08 am

i cant keep my eyes open
im looking forward to snoring
and sunday morning
but until i fall asleep while dreaming treez
i have to vent my brain
today was a good day in every way
even finished it with the song from my last line
and DAMN!!! was she fine , 1 of a kind
after many blunts and jokes
we rocked it like a boat
and you even walked the plank
we were one being like every weekend
but today was more of a big bang phenomenom
created the world out of body heat and continuous moans
for the first time i didnt feel alone in my zone
is that better then getting dome ?
or sweet revenge with a chrome ?
for me , she cant be compared to anything existing
more like a synonym of dreaming
which brings me back to my beginning
that was one hell of a hot evening :)

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