Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Nicro & His Head At 1:05 pm

its been a long time blog
my mind didnt need to be logged in
i was slowly drifting into a unwelcome trance
i wonderered about all those circumstance
the negativity that fills me only made darth vader a kiddie
im so alone in my zone im not that strong but the will to rise will forever go on
i wont be brought down by you i will rise from my desperate attempt of sanity
so next time u see nicki contemplating or probably smoking
ask him if he resolved is difficult emotion patterns
and just wait for a plausible answer...


Hagia Sophia said...

this is dope..
idk why you cant.
i didnt know you cant.
dont you just scroll all the way to the bottom and subscribe?

lol.. this comment page is in spanish. im confuzzled.

Hagia Sophia said...

i lied, its in french.